• Eye baths
  • Lab showers
  • Decontamination
More inofr Lab showers


DVGW LogoThe Safety Shower People supply a full range of emergency showers, eye baths and decontamination showers. Our products are used in laboratories, warehouses and industrial production units the world over to help mitigate the injury caused by chemical spills and or flammable materials. All products are built to the highest standard we have safety shower solutions to meet all relevant EU and American health and safety standards.

Tank Showers

tank showers
Wall mounted safety shower
Self contained tank showers offer the ultimate reliability and flexibility.

Free Standing

free standing premium
Wall mounted safety shower
Free standing showers offer highly customisable emergency shower systems suitable for any health and safety policy

Frost Protected

frost protected shower
Wall mounted safety shower
 Frost protected showers for use in cold climates

Shower Cubicles

Shower Cublicle
Wall mounted safety shower
 Shower cubicle for that protect users from the elements and surrounding hazards.

Heated Showers

Wall mounted safety shower
 Heated showers with an integrated boiler system

Lab Showers

Wall mounted safety shower
 Emergency body and eye showers for use in laboratories

Eye Showers

Wall mounted safety shower
 Stand alone eye wash units


decontamination shower
Wall mounted safety shower
 Decontamination showers 

Mobile Showers

mobile safety showers
Wall mounted safety shower
 Portable safety showers