• frost prtected showers
  • Eye baths
  • Lab showers
  • Decontamination
More inofr Lab showers

Safety Showers for Logistics Sites

Wherever hazardous chemicals are stored, unloaded or packed there is a danger of accidental spills. This means that safety showers are required in many docks, warehouses and other logistics hubs. As with production sites the number of showers required will be dependant on the nature and size of the risk.

Potential Problems for Logistics Sites

An industrial production site will, generally, have well defined manufacturing processes. This being the case the quantities of dangerous substances being used will be relatively stable. Hence the level of risk will remain more or less constant and can be used to inform the shower deployment policy.

Logistics sites, on the other hand, will often have a variable risk. The quantities and types of substances being handled may change on a daily basis. For example the risk posed by unloading a chemical tanker is going to be very different from unloading a milk tanker. As such sensible risk assessments are often more difficult. As a general rule though it is sensible to plan emergency equipment to deal with the worst case scenario