• frost prtected showers
  • Eye baths
  • Lab showers
  • Decontamination
More inofr Lab showers

Key Markets

Many different types of business require safety showers. Broadly speaking though safety shower users fall in to 3 categories

Safety Showers for production siets1- Production

These are businesses that are making something that involves the use of dangerous substances. Typical customers in this sector would be chemical and petrochemical companies, water treatment plants and various types of manufactures. 

Wall mounted safety shower

Safety showers for logistics sites2- Logistics

These businesses are not involved in a manufacturing processes as such but they are handling dangerous substances. Typical customers include docks, warehouses, filling stations and logistics hubs.

Wall mounted safety shower

Safety showers for laboratories3- Laboratories

Research, development and testing labs often routinely use dangerous substances. Often the very nature of the work is experimental and so more unpredictable than in a standard manufacturing process. Good safety equipment has always been vital in lab environments. 

Wall mounted safety shower